Shelbina Christian Church is an independent Christian church with autonomous leadership. Shelbina Christian came out of the Restoration Movement – a movement whose goal was to simply restore the New Testament church as closely as possible. Phrases such as, “Christians only, but not the only Christians,” and “Where the Bible speaks we speak; where the Bible is silent we are silent,” were coined from this movement and are phrases we still put into practice.
Being independent means that, in terms of leadership, Shelbina Christian selects its own leaders in the form of elders, deacons, and staff.
1 Timothy 3:1-13 and Titus 1:6-9 teach that elders are to be men who are above reproach, faithful to one’s wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. Elders must manage their own family well and do so in a manner worthy of respect. They should be shown to be men of prayer with an unyielding heart for people. Elders are called to love and protect.
Current elders at Shelbina Christian Church are Jay Craig, Todd Kolars, Kent Miller, Kirk Moore, and Paul VonThun.
Deacons are to be men worthy of respect and sincere. They must not be lovers of money. And must keep hold of the deep truths of their faith with a clear conscience. Deacons are to be faithful to one’s wife and must manage their household well. Deacons are shown to be servants as seen in Acts 6. Men who give of themselves to see that the needs of the church family are met.
Current deacons at Shelbina Christian Church are Pat Buckman, Mike Bode, Tim Craig, Bryce Johnston, Alan Denham, Bruce Hines, Rich Stevenson, Darrell Hall, Caleb Van Dyke.
All these men have a heart for God and His people. Any of them would be glad to speak with you regarding questions you may have about Shelbina Christian Church.